Bedtime City Missions Shop Forum
Ilove Risotto
Team Member

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Credits: 25'584
Award Points: 11'750
Citizen days: 5'894
Joined: 7 Jun 2008
Last Visit: 3 May 2011
Total Forum Posts: 9
0% of total / 0.00153 posts per day
Ashly Mazinga (21 Jul 2019):
hiiiiii where did you go
Tango Totoro (5 Sep 2011):
It's been a while since we've seen you in BTC! Come visit soon!
Darkdude Totoro (2 Oct 2009):
Hey dude, whats up? (give me a comment too :3 ) You're a nice friend, also you're awesome! xD! Well See ya later.
Katlyn Harlan (11 Aug 2009):
:D hey ilove wats up? :D
Cynthia Panzerotten (20 May 2009):
Aw. you're THE best.. Iloveyou,Ilovie! you're the best friend ever. =D. Wait,Did you eat yet?Aw.It must be like 12 am there or maybe one am. wow.It seems like so much time has passed since we talked to me,though. Take care. Keep on eating. It makes you brighter. and,avoid typos. Aaaaaand,stop blaming yourself for those stupid quizaboom mistake. Oh yeah, Quit being an evil daddy and take care of my mommy better. Urhhm.Waait,I think YOU were my mommy. MOMMY! :3
Cynthia Panzerotten (20 May 2009):
Hallo,Iloviez. Aw. You should be hungry. :3 Baii
Walt Anderson (20 Jan 2009):
'3ll0 Mist4 Il0v3. I th4nki35 f0r t3h 4nsw3r5 4nd bid y3 4 g00d J4nu4ry. -Mista Walt (This message is so 1337, xD.) [color=green:201f022f18][/color:201f022f18]
Kaishaoleyna House (16 Jan 2009):
:D , just to thank you for your comment and to wish you a happy new year ! xoxo
Myroc Anderson (9 Jan 2009):
Grats for the CotD. (Hey, even evil guys have to congratulate their minions. But you didn't hear the last part.)
Nath Simpson (9 Jan 2009):
well done with the citizen of the day Ilove
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