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Jonpatrick Smith

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Credits: 10'840
Award Points: 32'240
Citizen days: 6'264
Joined: 18 Aug 2007
Last Visit: 25 May 2022
Total Forum Posts: 1'064
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Labana House (15 Nov 2013):
I just want to say I really love and care about you.And I hope you will let me stay by your side for all eternity.Anyway your future wife

Labana House (15 Nov 2013):
If anyone is ever mean to you I will chew there heads off,because you are too nice to even know of there stupidity -.-
Labana House (15 Nov 2013):
I hope college isn't stressing you too much.I know you work hard and you keep your position of being on top of the class.But always take a small break ^^
Labana House (15 Nov 2013):
Also you have one hell of a punch o_o
Labana House (15 Nov 2013):
You are very handsome and cute and smart and nice and friendly and funny and intresting and kind and creative and supportive.I could list more but there is not much word space :c
Labana House (15 Nov 2013):
Even if you don't think of yourself much,I still think you are great person and deserve the best.
Labana House (15 Nov 2013):
Also,I like that you write poems for me,they are very cute and lovely and the best!!
Labana House (15 Nov 2013):
I love your voice it is so deep and thunderish.Thunder god!!
Labana House (15 Nov 2013):
I like it when you tell me stories about the games you played or books you read.
Labana House (15 Nov 2013):
You are a really great guy & I appreciate everything you do for me.
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