Bedtime City Missions Shop Forum
Donny Lebowski
Official Comic Maker
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Credits: 12'775
Award Points: 13'040
Citizen days: 6'096
Joined: 1 Apr 2008
Last Visit: 18 Jul 2010
Total Forum Posts: 2'176
0% of total / 0.357 posts per day
Bjorn Harlan (28 Aug 2011):
Donny get your fugly behind back here!
Bishop Panzerotten (20 Dec 2008):
Congartio's on the collaboration award Donny :clap:
Pete Totoro (2 Dec 2008):
O HAI! I noticed that you don't have any comment from me! =O Well, that's not too odd, I almost never make any comments. ;P But, here I am, making a senseless comment for you. Happy? .................... You're not!? How mean isn't that!? >:( Nah, I can't be angry. It's not your fault that you are so rude and unsensitive. Oh, look at the time, it's...... Not much at all. So I can write a bit more for you. =D So... I noticed that haven't got a comment since October... How sad. But I haven't gotten one since September. But now I got to go, I need to... I need to... To.. I have infact nothing to do, I'm just tired of writing. ;)
Happy Birfday Donneh. I would liek some caek in the mail plz. ^_^
Kanto Totoro (13 Sep 2008):
Hi donny, Awesome comics! ^_^ :gringrin:
Poison Simpson (5 Sep 2008):
Nice comics, Donny.
Zakuro Totoro (26 Aug 2008):
Hello Donny! I am Zakuro Totoro, the great and not to mention as well lovable BTCer! :D Hope you have a great time with your comics.
Actionboy Smith (25 Aug 2008):
Hey Donny! Keep up the good work with your comics. [color=white:220e9b2799]only n00bs don't know theres white writing here[/color:220e9b2799] Well I gotta go now but keep on making good comics, Donny.
Takeoshi Totoro (27 Jul 2008):
Hey Donny I just decided to randomly comment on your profile for some reason.[color=white:032ff05fa8] I am more awesome than him muhahahhahahhahhahha[/color:032ff05fa8] It's not like I am giving people who go on your profile subliminal messages. [color=white:032ff05fa8]buy [[i:032ff05fa8]insertrandomproductnamehere[/i:032ff05fa8]] today![/color:032ff05fa8] Well yeah, that is all
Funny Lebowski (11 Jul 2008):
Comics = awesome. Donny = awesome. Funny = awe- Funny = someone who should stay on eith congratulating Donny, rather than himself. Hehe, you really do rock though!
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